Did you know that your body has a secondary circulatory system? Traveling parallel to the blood circulation, it removes wastes from every cell in your body. These actions help stimulate your immune system, defending you from diseases and pathogens.
Under stress, either sudden or chronic, our lymphatic circulation becomes congested. When this happens, symptoms can include inflammation, headaches, sinus congestion, pain, sleeplessness, skin conditions, digestive disorders, and excess weight. A sluggish lymph system can also stimulate your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS). Your SNS creates the "Fight or Flight" response, originally this response was supposed to kick when our lives were literally at risk. However, when it gets triggered too often it can lead to panic attacks, a weakened immune system, and weak blood vessels, among other things.
Improving lymphatic outflow has been shown to diminish this response. It does this by stimulating the ParaSympathetic nervous system, which helps you rest, digest, reassess, and become a happier, healthier you.
Here are a few links to help explain this:
Chikly Institute ~ Applications for Lymphatic Drainage
The Lymph System and Your Health